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What's Artservatory?

Artservatory is a community that seeks to provoke and promote the creativity of local artists who live in the culturally blurred landscape between LA and OC. It involves several moving parts that are all dependent upon our loving and wonderful community.



The beating heart of Artservatory are the quarterly "Sessions" we put on for the community. These include a temporary, one-night-only art gallery, an open mic, a special scheduled performance by featured bands or musical artists, film and animation screenings under the banner of Cinema Luna, and an Artists' Workshop.


Artists can submit their work to be shown at upcoming Sessions by agreeing to the Artservatory Independent Artist Agreement and submitting their basic information and a sample of their work. These things can be done over on the Art Submission page. Bands or artists who wish to be our featured acts and perform a full set can submit their basic info and a sample of their work on our Music Submission page. If you wish to sign up for open mic ahead of time, please do so via the Music Submission page as well.


Our quarterly Sessions also include an "Artists' Workshop" so that students and art lovers of all ages can learn to create and display many forms of art to their local community. We strongly believe that it is our job to ignite the passion for creativity in people in our community, and this component of our Sessions provides a perfect way to do that. If you want to know more about them, please visit our Artists' Workshop page.


As a community, Artservatory seeks to rally together around as many forms of art as possible, and since film is such an emersive artform, we believe it needs an emersive environment in order to be experienced with the attention it deserves. As a result, Cinema Luna has become Artservatory's platform for video and animated art. Our Cinema Luna installations during our Sessions provide that emersive experience. For more information, visit our Cinema Luna page.


Artservatory also participates in several other local art events, both partaking and attending. We have often set up art and information booths at the Fullerton Art Walk, and we have attended the Santa Ana Art Walk, the SoBECA Art Walk, RAW Artists, and the WOCA. We look for and support many local open mic nights as well, including those at The Night OwlAu Lac Humanese Cuisine, and The Gypsy Den in Anaheim. If there are any other events you'd like to invite us to attend or participate in, please get in touch with us on our Contact page. We would be more than happy to support Orange County and LA County art and music events!


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