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The beating heart of Artservatory are the quarterly "Sessions" we put on for the community. These include a temporary, one-night-only art gallery, an open mic, special scheduled performances by featured bands or musical artists, film and animation screenings under the banner of Cinema Luna, and an Artists' Workshop. Below, you'll find a description of each component of our quarterly Sessions. Artists who wish to submit their work, Musicians who wish to perform for us, Filmmakers looking for a place to screen their creations, anyone interested in our Artists' Workshop, and anyone wishing to help contribute to the continued success of Artservatory can find information on the pages below. If you are interested in taking part in Artservatory in any way related to these components, or in any other fashion, make sure you also visit the Contact page, and get in touch with us!


Every Session, one of the main attractions of the night is the gallery space we temporarily create for local artists to display their work to the public. Any artist who wishes to submit a request for their work to be displayed at a future Artservatory Session can find out more on the Art Submission page.


Music is an extremely important part of our quarterly Sessions. We host an open mic and schedule bands and other musical artists for featured performances. Anyone who would like to sign up for open mic, as well as anyone who wishes to request a featured spot for their band / musical act can find out more on the Music Submission page of our site.

Cinema Luna


At every Artservatory Session, we set aside some space in a room free from the distractions of the other activities at the Session to create an emersive environment for filmmakers and animators to show their pieces with high quality video and sound. If you wish to screen your own video pieces, please check out the Cinema Luna Submission page to submit a request to do so.

Artists' Workshop

We firmly believe that the people we have an influence on should be taught new ways to express themselves through art. Anyone who wishes to reserve a spot in the workshop at our next Session can find out more on our Artists' Workshop page. If you are an artist and wish to help us by teaching a workshop, plase drop by the Contact page and let us know.

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